High Fever

10:01 PM

okay, i was really bored. And I have absolutely nothing to do, so what do i do? Take pictures lar! Most of them are plain dumb and weird. Bear with them alright! (:

Boomz is so Shingz!
WOW ! Exclamation (!) BAM!!
super lameSuper super lame! there is light!
this is how i'd look like if i have a super small face and a large body. Talk about disporpotionate.
double me!
what a doll! i dont know what happened, it just looked like this hahahahahhah! VERYVERYVERY blur!
heck care whether im a ghost or not (:


Boomz is so Shingz! Dont cha know? LOL! Facebooking is like what i've been doing these days. Super bored. sucks being sick ):

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