Everybody i love

6:01 AM

Hello! This is my effort to start blogging again. I've really thought of deleting this blog before because I hardly have the time and I dont really have things to say. I end up rambling and that's what I'm doing again. Thinking back, I've been blogging for a really long time and recently a lot of things have been changing in my life. Not long ago, I had to look for pictures from my cousin's blog so that I could do some sort of photo diary from the day she started living in my house. Admittedly it didn't really turn up the way I wanted it to but  it was really fun just sourcing the pictures and seeing how much my dear coussy has grown. Ahhh... 

12-12-12! People have been raving about dates and stuff okay okay. Spent the special day with some of my favourite friends in the world. We met up for brunch because lunch sounded too late. Mrs lim was around for the brunch. Mrs lim is seriously the nicest teacher in the world, she wanted to pay for our toast but because she was late everyone else already bought their food. I was late so she bought me toast. She's so nice!!! We went to cold storage to buy our groceries and typical jia xun asked if we could barbecue sausages and also joycelin asked if we could buy beer instead of apple juice. Haha!! So much P6 memories it is so nice to finally have a proper reunion ♥♥ When we were done choosing our chips Mrs lim paid for our groceries. She's so nice!!!! So blessed.  
Arrived at marina barrage after a whole confusion of which train to take and everything. Even though during our picnic planning convo we kept talking about bringing kites and bubbles and happy things,  nobody brought kites hahaha. We are still the freeloader class. We played ball and monkey but it got so sweaty after one and a half hour we decided to head down to play at the water fountain instead :) It was a kid's game so no one my age would go and play there. Every time me and my family go to marina barrage we end up at the water fountain so it's a lam thing. Also my brother josh came along and he was so enthusiastic about everything :)) After we played at the water fountain for a short while it started to rain. Thank God it started to rain when we were already drenched! Yeah we called cabs to Carissa's house
Every class outing (nowadays) somebody's camera roll will end up like this. Or your wallpaper will end up looking scary haha! Chef jun hong barbecued all the good food. Every time we come to Carissa's house, it's always yummy food and fun time. After dinner we just sat around, played billiard and laughed. 

I look sun burnt!!! And I think I was, today I was a shade darker :(( All the happy faces and keefe claims he cannot smile properly. 
I can't really remember any thing else but I had a really good day of laughing and yummy food. The only thing that could've made the day better is when my dad came to fetch me since my brother was with me. Yay no need to wait for bus and wait for the app to load and everything yay!!! Yep thank you guys for being so nice, taking care of my bro and everything. And mrs lim!! I dont know why I'm suddenly thanking people on my blog but I'm really glad and grateful!! And carissa for being so nice and generous!!! ♥


Spent Monday and tuesday with my dear cousin. Nowadays ever since she moved, I've been spending so little time with her. Last time when we went out together it would be so boring because we both would be using our phones so much and also we were sick of each other. Nowadays when I see her, I dont know it's a different feeling and now I kind of miss the times we spent together. We had ramen with another one of my cousins at star vista. The ramen was... The first bite would be like omg this is sooooo good!!!! Then halfway through the bowl you start to get sick of the rich taste and then you realise they must have put so much unhealthy pork and everything in the soup to make it taste so gooey. Or maybe we thought the ramen was good at first because we were hungry. Yep. Tomorrow i'll be doing cip with soppy and gracey at willing hearts!! Can't wait to see them!! They had an outing at kidsamaze on 12-12-12 too but I couldn't go cause I agreed to go for my P6 reunion earlier and carissa would smack me. Yeahh but you know in life, you dont always get what you want 

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