4:35 AM
YAY~ Went out w AzzyJADE today! Gee, so happyyyyy! We were planning to go SAFRA for Kbox but then in the end change plan. Plan B is.. go Jp lor. (: We walkwalkwalk, finally decided to go STARBUCKS for mocha. Azzy and me
Say yum :)
I wonder what Azzy is wishing for...
Gosh, I love Azzy's keychain!
duh, its me! `
Half faced devils >D
How random..
Do you see me twice in this picture? (:
I like Azzy's jacket!
Azzy says Yo! and I say Cheese!
Both of us!
We look so sisterlyyy.
Crazy ppl :D
Look! We drew ourselves!
We're too cool for you (:

I bought new wallet.. Yay! I've been like waiting forever for this day and so... hurry! Say congrats! hahhahahhahahah. We spent an hour in toilet camwhoring and playing on Jade's PSP. But it was fun, we wanted to take neos but no $ . God, blue contact lenses rawks. But I'm not gna buy specs or lenses unless my degree get really bad cause I heard the more you wear your specs or lenses, your degree will worsen. That's why after wearing specs for a long time then after taking it out, your surroundings are abit blurry. Kezia's in Jakarta alr, forgot to wish her Bon Voyage as I was in camp... DDDDD: I needa go, bye.
I bought new wallet.. Yay! I've been like waiting forever for this day and so... hurry! Say congrats! hahhahahhahahah. We spent an hour in toilet camwhoring and playing on Jade's PSP. But it was fun, we wanted to take neos but no $ . God, blue contact lenses rawks. But I'm not gna buy specs or lenses unless my degree get really bad cause I heard the more you wear your specs or lenses, your degree will worsen. That's why after wearing specs for a long time then after taking it out, your surroundings are abit blurry. Kezia's in Jakarta alr, forgot to wish her Bon Voyage as I was in camp... DDDDD: I needa go, bye.