1:30 AM
Went to the Sinagpore Zoo today... Monkeys, and blah blah blah, I saw it all today. Lots of pictures, but I only put some.
Fun day! Well, the boat ride was fun too, I didnt take any pictures on the boat in case like the camera drops out. I'm blogging and viewing blogs now, boredboredbored. Btw, from thursday-Saturday, I'm going camp. So dont text/call me. I'm not gna bring my phone along. Argh, I think the camp is like the P5 camp. Hope its fun, I didnt really enjoy P5 camp >.<
Tagged by Felicia and Vanessa, 2 quizes you know!
1.My Name : CL
2.My Birthday : 111098
3.Who tagged you : Felicia and Vanessa
4.Name 5 best friends : Atiqa, Kezia, Felicia, Shawn
5.What do you wished for birthday : woaaaaa, loads.
6.Happy things that happened recently : PangsaiQueen come back :D
7.Most stressed about recently : Computer got password again D:
8.What is your ambition in the future : Pilot!
9.Do you have someone you like : Yesh
10.Will you visit your ex-teacher in a classmate gathering : Obviously.
11.Most happy to hang out with : Bestfrs.
12.If two of your friends are having conflicts : Aiya, another conflict... zzz... Ofcause try to solve also lar
13.Where is preferably the place to go with your lover : Erm, AIRPORT!
14.What to do in Christmas : Eat turkey and open presents, see whether got angbao :D
15.Who do you want to celebrate Christmas with : Family and Friends!
16.Bad habit on waking up early in the morning : Want to go back to sleep
17.How many siblings do you have : 3, one still in my mum's tummy
18.Favourite song (Female) : Hm.. B.R. ba.
19.Favourite song (Male) : forget leh
20.Favourite Colour : hm, I feel very black and white nowadays.
21.Flush before using the toilets? : OBVIOUSLY
22.Love me not? : of course ♥ !
23.Affectionate to guys or girls : Should be the same lar.
24.What do you want to shout out loudly : SHUT UP!
25.Do you dare to go toilets alone in the middle of the night? : Why not?
26.Will you take off your undies in while in the WC : dont tell me you pee through your undies :D
27.Who's the bastard : manymanymany
28.What's the current affection : hm.. I wonder.
29.Ugly when asleep : i look like a pig. :D
30.Whats the time now : 7.02
31.Do you hate the person who tagged you : No way.
32.Weight : 35? never measure
33.Weather today : drizzled
34.Are you pregnant : No.
35.What will you do if you win a lottery : Ohmygosh! I won a lottery! Tell the world lar :D
36.An activity that must be done while in the Uni -life : Dont know
1.Last thing before sleep : Pray
2.1st thing after awaking from sleep : Go back to sleep
3.Your idol : Gaga
4.Favourite season : Autumn
5.Worked part-time before? : nah
6.Times worked : never
7.Country that wanted to go the most : hm.. Italy? Love the gondolas :D
8.Personality hated : too thick-skinned.
9.Are you a crybaby? : sometimes
10.You laugh alot? : I'm laughing now, hahahahaha.
11.Do you like to go out alone? : sometimes
12.What time will you wake up if it's a holiday? : anytime!
13.Today's weather (Sunny Rainy Cloudy) : rainy and cloudy!
14.Choose between Friends and Lover : Friends
15.Choose between Chances and Fates : Fate :D Blame everything on fate.
16.Are you narcissist? : ?
17.Is this questionnaire long? : longer than i wanted :)
18.How to make yourself feel better every time? : say 'hahaha'
19.Favourite food : chocolate
20.Do you like ice? : yum!
21.Are you full of happiness? : if only
22.Who are the friends that you care the most? : Bestfrs.
23.What's the most important item in your bed room? : me!
24.Most consistent dream at sleep : Déjà vus
25.Will you forgive a guy that is mentally disobedient? : might
26.Whats the meaning of life? : Being alive
27.Do you know? (See if you can answer this!) : know what?
28.When do you hate me? : All the time, just kidding :D
29.Like the day you were born or been into the society? : society day.
30.Like Taoism or Confucianism? : not being religiously bias, but I like christianity
31.Favourite cake? : cheese cake.
32.Can we stop this game now? : Nah.
33.Do you like sardins? : okok lar.
34.Who knows you the best? : Azzy
35.IQ higher or EQ? : Both very high! :D
36.Computer or Mobile Phone : Mobile phone
37.Friendster or Facebook? : Facebook
38.Whats your wish right now? : New phone...
39.Tired? : Definitely, but in the good way (:
40.Favourite drinks : S.T.A.R.B.U.C.K.S and Milkshakes!
Ppl to tag?
Since most of you have done it, Azzy will do it!