NEW MOON! I watched it today... on pirated DVD. :D Jade bought quite long ago, but then I didnt watch it till now. I prefer TL to RP. I'm serious, Edward looks so creepy. Jacob is well... hehhehheh. The movie is quite boring, I wont advice you to read the book either. Hopelessly boring. I took like 3 weeks to finish the book. If you minus away all the camps. Kristen Steward is actually quite pretty, she's those type that the more you see, the prettier. Anw, I've decided alr, i'm quiting plurk. There's nth on plurk, on plurk, there's nth there except for karma. Btw, the rest of the lines in this post is for Kezia. KEZIA! God, miss your daily calls! Anw, when are you coming back from Jakarta? Is it okay if Felicia and I fetch you on that day? Shawn is on holiday. We both miss you like ... ! Come back earlier if possible okay? :D