10:11 PM

BACK FROM CAMP! Finallyyyyyyyyy. Had fun there, not gna write details. For details, you know where to go ;P ! Okay, my Bestfr in camp was this girl called Gabrielle, she's what I can say, totally not vain. She never cares about her hair, tons of stuff bite her face but she still heck care. But she's still quite chio. She's chio, but she dont know how to dress up. Okay, i did a stupid thing at camp. You know, when I heard camp, I thought its gna be like P5 camp. So I wore the ugliest clothes possible to the camp. Clothes that I would never wear. In the end, when I reached the camp, it wasnt dirty at all, LOADS cleaner than p5 camp. All the campers were like wearing branded. And me? Looking so sloppy uh. I wore track pants, godddddddd! But I didnt get homesick. Cause my dad and my brother were at the camp too, plus I had a camp friend. So i had like the funnest time there, you know I climbed all the way up the rock climbing wall! Say WOA! I did abseiling. The lady that helps in abseiling is like so ass-ed up. She made a girl cry you know. So on the testimonial that we had to write on the last day of camp and read to ppl, I wrote about lots of stuff, including abseiling. I wrote (abseiling) : I learnt from camp that abseiling is, if I have to describe it, depressing. :P MUAHAHAHAH! But I didnt read it out, SHAME... I didnt bring my phone to camp so I posted smth that I didnt post. I had to wash toilet you know! For area cleaning, and the toilet is like the dirtiest in the whole campsite. I had to sleep on just wood, no bunks. But nice Gabrielle gave me her air matress for me to sleep on the second night. Thanks! That's about all, I guess.
Bye, CL