You'll probably think I'm loser by the time you finish reading. Okay, I admit, I'm not good at cooking. I cant even separate the egg white and yolk w/out getting scolded. Btw, you know that I'm in danger of being unable to go on friday right. So ofcause I do things all smart girls would do... try to manipulate their parents. I went Jurong Point this morning cause my brother happened to have lessons there soI just tagged along. And I got a brilliant idea! I bought the cookie dough, the one we (Kezia, Felicia, Shawn, Marie, me) bought to bake to give our teachers on Teachers' Day. And I bought the tag(you know, the donald duck tag) Felicia gave me on my birthday (different design). On the tag I wrote Papa ♥ Mummy. So brilliant ah... :D So when we got home, Mum looked at the stock market. Seriously, I dont see the point of looking at the market over and over again. It just makes your insides churn on the thought of losing thousands. Maybe it helps in slimming, i dont know. Back to the story, when Mum looked at the markets, my brothers play wii, I ask my maid to help me bake the cookies. Okay, she did most of the work. i just sat there and tell her how to do it. So you have to put it in circles right. ya, me and maid did that. But then when it came out, it looked like the picture above. ._. Apparently overflooded.. So I just scooped up the cookie and put in on a plate, and put the card in my hand and gave it the my mum. So ofcause, sucking up isa part of successful manipulation. I went , "you're the best mummy in the world" and so on and so forth. She's still considering, but better than, No, you cant go right?