1:53 AM
went to eat w my aunt and my brothers at an Italian restaurant. Wouldnt bother rmb-ing the name so I took a picture of the receipt. :/ You should go there for dinner, superb service ! :D
went to eat w my aunt and my brothers at an Italian restaurant. Wouldnt bother rmb-ing the name so I took a picture of the receipt. :/ You should go there for dinner, superb service ! :D
went to Lido cineplex w Yiyi to watch 2012. We actually skipped night church for that. (:

Church todayy. after that art class, boredboredbored. Wanted to go United Sqaure buy the rock candy but then my father dont allow D: I need the extra sweetness! so bored. Talking to Azzy via MSN now, miss her so much! Eight days to go! LOL, my father tell me to lower the volume, he find Ignorance too noisy. -.- Its nice! Hahahahaha. I needa go, continue reading my blog yos! Bye.