12:12 AM
Hello. I just found out that blogging is just so tedious.. I took an hour just to get the pictures in the right order :x Anything for my readers. okay, this post is devoted to Friday night and Saturday. Well, on Friday night, my aunt asked my brother and I if we wanted to go St. Regis Hotel to stay for a night because she got a ticket free. Ofcause we said yes, who would miss a chance to go to St. Regis? I'm not rich like Kezia or Carissa, so this is like the first time I've been to St. Regis. Most of the time we go Ritz Carlton if we want to see fireworks but not St. Regis. Okay... so when I got into the room, I became hyper, w/out chocolate! The room, in my opinion, is very British, especially the toilet. I love the toilet! Btw, I just took the picture and post, seriously, now I cant be bothered whether I look nice in that picture or not. I just knew I had a fun time :D
Like I said, no one would miss a chance to take pictures in such a nice toilet :D
The lighting of the whole room was great !
Can you see me?
One thing I love most about hotels : the bathrobes! I dont know why, but bathrobes always make me happy :)
Bathrobes look like kimonos.
Smile again!
Camwhoring is FUN!
Reflection. You know my battery was almost flat when I finished taking pictures?
My brother, so cute right!
St. Regis knows me too well. What else is this but another empty box of chocolate?
From this picture, I realised how un-sharp my nose is D:
Getting tired of me? :)
Acting stupid againnnnnnn
Another shot, what a vainpot. :D
Dont know what I was doing then :)
My brother's too adorable! :DDD
I tried to do emo (i think), but then the lighting doesnt really suit the emo feel.
Hah! I knew it, I was doing emo.
Told you :x
Tic tac toe!
Hahahahahaha. w my brother!
Do we look alike?
He tried to block my face, but blocked his own in the end. :D
Too many stupid photos
He squashed me :/
Me sqaush him!
Egyptian wanabee
I look like a ghost :x
We were watching Doraemon.
After swimming. Thanks for the sunglasses, Kezia!
at my aunt's friend's house. Its their god :D He bites, but no teeth, so not pain :)
SO cute! I like the dog, its called zaizai. Dogs often run after ppl right, but for this, its me and my brother who run after the dog :D I gta go, this post is so lagggggg