4:55 PM
HEY! Ytd was the last day of school. Its was also class party, well... not the best party I ever had but then.. still a party! We had the prize giving day in the morning, then at ten (finally!) we head back to the classroom to party! 3 hours of party-ing is definitely not enough. D: 4 ppl I will miss the most :
[from Kezia's blog] Kezia, the one I ALWAYS go to when I need someone to cheer me up. The ultimate person that never fails to make me laugh :D BFF!
[from Felicia's blog] Felicia, the person who I go to when I have problems. And I have MANY. Her listening ear is always there and I'll definitely MISS it so much. :D BFF!

[from Shawn's blog] Shawn, the person I talk to when I'm like bored. She cures my boredom all the time cause she's got lots of rubbish to say and so do I. That's why, without her, I think I'm gna be like the walking dead. :D BFF!
There's one more person I'm gna miss too and that is... Atiqa. I dont have her picture so I cant post it in. She's another great one, sometimes so emotional, it makes me laugh. I know she treats me as a bestfr but then for me, she's my 4th Bestfr. :/ So happy that I'm going 6F next year. Hope it'll be a wild year next year!
Almost forgot, after school, went to Joycelin's house w Felicia. Thanks for the hospitality! Sorry I dropped your hamster, I'll give a $5 popular voucher next year kay? Hope it'll cover up the medical fees like you demanded! ;) Bye.