11:28 PM
I hate it when I have no pictures to post.. What am I talking about? I have lotssssss :D This (below) is on Saturday when I went to night church. There's no me there cause I was taking picture. All of them so cute! The picture's blurry as I used another phone take and that phone only has 2 megapixel. My brother's the one in orange. Is he supposed to look cute or what? Hehehe. Sorry Brother. This is on Tuesday (or Monday, cant rmb) when I went Jelita with Felicia and Marie. Spotted a girl with the skinniest limbs. She's about 18, she's so bony! I'm sorry if you (the girl) ever pass by my blog (abit unlikely), Im really sorry. anw, I think she has anorexia or smth because its unlikely that someone her age is so skinny. P.S. I feel fat.
On wednesday, went Marie's house with Felicia. Couldnt get in the house till 4+, stayed in the study room instead. I cant find my picture, it's lost in my phonee! I havent been taking much photos I feel sleepy all the time now D: I'm losing my hyper mood. I sorta miss it, the days when I stay awake the whole night and still can go to school the next day despite eyebags and under eye circles. :D