7:40 AM
HEY! Felicia and Shawn went house today! YIppeeeee! I felt so excited.. :D I accidentally deleted the picture with all three of us D; Deleted my own picture too ): Here goes : 2.30 reach Felicia house to fetch both Shawn and Felicia.
Shawn shook. Felicia looks great! :) AT about 6 plus, fetched both Felicia and Shawn home. Shawn keep saying that I waste money texting. Haha, probably dont understand. After fetching, Went to Amah's house to celebrate Amah's maid (ANI) birthday! The cake below : Black Forest Extravaganza! Bit too sweet, I kept biting my ulcer D: It hurts soo bad. Happy Birthday ANI! I havent got much time, Bye. :D