6:48 AM
I've been studying out a lot lately and it's a lot more interesting than staying at home. Hahaha. In the past month or so, there was a false fire alarm in the library and it was so funny because it has never happened to me before? The place I study also seems to be a hotspot for couples LOL. I've witnessed two couples kissing, okay. So much action for me, I don't even need to go to a cinema. And they're usually around our age! The first couple I saw kissing (they were directly in my view because they were at the opposite side of the next table) were secondary school age. So cringey. I grimace on the inside and change my seat. Nowadays when I see my favourite seat taken up by a couple, I'm just like AHHHHHHHHHH ;-(((((( So I try my best to go study really early so that I can get the seat first. Yes. Haha.
And today, at the spot I was studying, there was a middle-aged woman who got really really upset at someone on the phone and started shouting super loudly. It was so scary!! She randomly hit the candy machine next to the railing and it sounded like "THUN!". Then, she went on to the place next door and had a really loud argument with another lady. It was a little crazy. The police appeared. Which I thank God for. Thank God for a good and efficient police force in our country!! So yeah.. I'm so entertained by the things that go on around me when I study, cause it makes my day so fun. I've even met really sweet strangers who are so nice!!! Some of them have very nice clothes too haha. But then I come to this place where I feel like I want to find another place to study lol haha. I'll just be praying and I hope to find a place where I can buy cheap nice iced drinks, with nice music, good seats, little people and generally really good atmosphere. HAHA ookay..