June 2016 - God is good
11:17 PM
Currently I have this random bubble of time when I am procrastinating doing my lit notes, while waiting to meet a friend for a movie later. So many thoughts in my head recently. I just want to update about life and be more thankful about every thing that has happened. A lot of good mundane things have happened lately and they may sound boring, but honestly these little things make my life so worth living. When I'm down, I wanna read this again to remind myself of the gift of life I have and it's beauty.
I actually don't really know where to start. (Also note most of my pictures are not very pretty heheh)
We had a nice bbq dinner at home on father's day!!!! Beef in cabbage thingy. So yummy :-))))) Me and my friends like to eat this type of bbq buffet outside a lot, so it's quite a good idea to learn how to do it at home :-)))
The next day, we went to have lunch with my aunt and grandma! Strangely only went out with my aunt once this holiday!!! Usually we go out so many times. We went to cold storage for awhile. This is my sister sitting on the ledge before causing the black strip to fall, and leaving me and my brother to fix it.
Ate at itacho and I had chirashi! Or what I think it's called. It's not bad!! Though honestly I ate so much that I couldn't appreciate my sushi bowl much :-/ The soft shell crab roll is really nice! My sis and bro liked it too. Gloria ended up having a new favorite food... Eel! Which is surprising, because she normally isn't very adventurous with food. Her favorite food consists of noodles and egg. Yeah, she really loves eel though. She kept talking about it and my mum eventually bought eel from NTUC and microwaved it for her. Hehe.
We happened to see a finding dory booth at the first floor of the mall!!! We had to take the picture lying down and it was great fun.
Cute rapunzel Gloria got from her kinderjoy!!!
The next day (21st June), we went for a family outing to Sentosa!!! WOO HOO ~~ My study plans are out of the window for one day. Thankful that we've been having a lot of family outings this holiday :-)<3 p="">
Oh so cute
Do not be deceived by their cute faces. They were trying to pose with the giant scorpian!!! We went to watch the Journey 4D film, because my mum managed to get a Qo100 package deal. It was pretty funny, but not worth the price!!!
It was such a sweaty day at Sentosa!! Even with my mini fan. Really drained my energy.
IPhone 6s pictures are pretty good quality heh heh! :-D
My mummy trying the thing hehe.
Family photo :-)
I spent the next few days just studying in the library or at home, preparing for upcoming common tests. Here's me resting on the bed and my cute brother!!!! >___<
The start of a new season :-) Church on saturday. Thankfully the Gkidz leaders have allowed me to have 3 weeks off (!!!!), so I have been enjoying really restful weekends. Praise the Lord
School started so fast... I had 3 pretty intense days of exams, which I felt were quite okay, so really thank God for that. I'm not sure what to expect for my results, hopefully there'll be an improvement, or some sort learning point, so that I'll know what to work towards. Yikes ahhhh.
I really wanted to have starbucks because the weather has been so so so warm! These coffee joints are way overpriced though. Decided to do ice milo + vanilla ice cream! Don't do it though, it is way tooo sweet hahaha.

Sneaking photos of a cutie.
Going grocery shopping with kids, mum and grandma on Sunday morning!! *Cat ears*
Met up with my family afterwards at this new mall called HillV2! It's at bukit batok and has several restaurants. It has a shuttle service from bukit gombak. Doesn't look like it has any potential study spots though V.V Oh well! We went to this korean restaurant downstairs!
The food was really good! I had this beef noodle thing. The beef was really sweet and there was alot of beef! The store owners are koreans! Nice ambiance and service! Only thing is that it was really expensive.. Like nearly $20 for this noodle thing.
My breakfast on youth day! And a soft boiled egg. Okay lah, I don't really eat so healthily every day.
I really wanted to have starbucks because the weather has been so so so warm! These coffee joints are way overpriced though. Decided to do ice milo + vanilla ice cream! Don't do it though, it is way tooo sweet hahaha.
Sneaking photos of a cutie.
I know... I felt uncomfortable when I took this photo too, but SUSHI!!!! From Rollie Olie, which is a really expensive place. I've wanted to try it for a long time! My aunt called me on friday evening and asked if she could send a box to my family for us to share. YES PLEASE *_* Ahh. . By this point of my exams, with most of my papers down, I was resting on my bed watching random videos. I watched The World's Strictest Parents that day hahaha. I watched the one in Bangalore. I went to search it up just now, but I can't find it anymore!!! Anyway, it was a one hour video, and it was really touching. The show is about really wayward teens going to live with really strict parents in another part of the world for a week. And seeing their transformation!! I don't know if it's scripted or anything, but I feel it teaches a lot too, like good values and parenting skills and so on. HAHA not that I'm not gonna be a mum soon, but it's still nice to watch heh.
Going grocery shopping with kids, mum and grandma on Sunday morning!! *Cat ears*
In front of Matthew's favorite thing: tanks.
Met up with soppy *hearts* Which I am so thankful for, because without her asking me to study with her, I would've been sleeping at home. I went to sleep after coming home from grocery shopping. Thank you soppy :-)))) <3 br="">3>
The food was really good! I had this beef noodle thing. The beef was really sweet and there was alot of beef! The store owners are koreans! Nice ambiance and service! Only thing is that it was really expensive.. Like nearly $20 for this noodle thing.
My breakfast on youth day! And a soft boiled egg. Okay lah, I don't really eat so healthily every day.
Oh my.. There's so much typing to go......... I think I'm gonna save the typing for another day. For now, here's a video of Gloria.
Vimeo is pretty good to upload videos on because it uploads fast, but you gotta enable HD mode :-)
Back to blogging!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay :-) Today is 12th July 2016. On 5th July, which was exactly a week ago?? Time flies. I had my math paper in the morning and as I was walking to the bus stop by myself, I happened to see deepikaa!! Who used to be in my sec 2 class and my OG :-) We made an impromptu decision to go for LoveMG, which was happening that day. Whew. It was actually really nice to talk to Deepikaa. We both feel similarly about ACSI!!! And we both really missed things about MG :-)
We toured around the school. So happy to see verses everywhere in MG! It's like the verse in the bible. (went to check)
Deuteronomy 6:8-9 "Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." So yes! It's really pretty too :-)
Benches outside the staff room that resemble cafe dining spots :-) I would sooo go there and study if I were still a student!
Yeah.... Now I'm going to type for real. Today has been a strange day for me. I know I have to go and pray now because I have to admit something to God or God wants to speak to me, but I'm just like avoiding it. .... Now that I have written this out and at least confronted that fact, I should go and pray now.Back to LoveMG, it was really nice to see so many old faces, like Joanna!!!! Happened to see her outside and sat next to her. The theme for Love MG was "For I am His" and I think the speakers and worship leaders did something amazing that night! I was so blown away at the speaker's (Jemina) story. She is an old MG girl which makes my heart swell with so much pride :') She is a missionary in war-torn Congo. She shared about the journeys of faith she had to go through as a missionary, being so close to danger and seeing for herself the poor, helpless and destitute. It was such an inspiration and it reminded me of what the pastors in church say alot, "Signs and miracles will follow the disciples of Christ." And her life is a testimony of that. A lot of times, in my own Christian walk, I don't see the miracles of Jesus enough. I do sometimes, but I am also quick to forget :'( Her testimony also helped me to realize that there are actually people who are suffering so much because they are so poor, and here I am, in my place of comfort. Congo is actually known as a rape zone, which is so scary!!! Jemina said that it is more dangerous to be a woman in Congo than to be a soldier. I can't even imagine the kind of emotional trauma these women have to go through. For myself, being raped is so so scary. I don't know if I will have the courage to live on if I were ever raped. The fact that it is so rampant in another part of the world.... is heartbreaking. Women even have to turn to prostitution as a means of living because the crops they grow keep getting destroyed by soldiers. The amazing thing in that dark place is that people like Jemina and her fellow missionaries are willing to listen to God's call and help those people. God called them to build schools and they followed suit, not knowing how much blessing they would bring the Congo people. It's amazing. It makes me want to live a life of faith. I desire to stop chasing all the materialistic things that are so important to me and think about what is the life that God would want me to live. I would want to drive a car, get married and have many kids and have a job that allows me to interact with children, something I would be passionate about and is very comfortable. That is the ideal situation. But is that what God is calling me to? Again and again I feel I have to give up money. Which I know for sure is all in my head, because I don't even have any money in the first place. I guess is it in my own head, or is God telling me to pursue something in future that is not so high-paying? I'm telling I'm willing.. I'm willing... and I trust He will provide, provide, provide. Sometimes I'm fearful I can't live that comfortable life in Singapore with beautiful children, or I have to give up marrying or something. But I guess... In the end of the day, I have my hope in heaven. If I were to stay faithful to God, He has a place prepared in heaven for me and to me, spending eternity with God is the prize. I'm saying all these big things now, but I know I have to be more obedient in the little things first, before I start to think about the big things again. Jemina also shared about her life in uni, when she spent two hours every night taking walks around the campus, just speaking to God. During that time, God was really present with her. Animals like stray cats followed her, she said it was as if they knew their maker. Just like it was how it was like in the Garden of Eden. It was during that time that she could bring her thoughts to God. God even lighted a streetlamp(?) with a blown fuse to show her something. She had many messages to share that day and it was amazing. It really touched my heart to see someone who walked and seeked God so closely. With faith, she asked God to heal and damaged tree and make it the bushiest tree and it did!! Wow. What a life of miracles. It shows how God shows himself to us when we really seek Him. She talked about how by the grace of God, He used her to save a mother from taking her daughter and son into committing suicide. And it all started with a willing heart, to tutor the girl every Saturday.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one very precious pearl, he went away and sold all he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46
We are that one precious pearl!
"An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others." - AW Tozer. (A quote I read in my devo book my church gives)
God also spoke to me about the doubts I'm facing, which really assured my heart. The leader prayed such a powerful prayer for me, "Why won't God want to draw near to his daughter?" Realized that in our day to day lives, if we do not seek God and speak to Him often, we can easily listen to the lies the evil one plants in our heads. Abrupt ending because I really gotta go already!!!! *hope wont be late again*