My week
8:09 PM
Lunchbox day! Lunchbox day is just a day for the whole school to sit on the quadrangle during recess and share food and have class bonding! My class wanted to have a class party but I thought it was quite fail cause everyone was like kind of cliquey and awkward!
Class photo! haha look at bernice!. People ask her what is she doing on fb she was like IM EATING THE SUN. hahahaha she's so funny!!!!
Bernice, me, hannah (on top), Melissa, kayler

Kayler, iris, me. This is soooo weird. Iris is in my class again! Like P4 she was in my class, so like 4 years later shes in my class again.
Grace is so cute
Friday! Friday we had chinese new year celebrations. And after that I went to Carissa's house to meet my lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely 6F classmates!!!! Omg I cant even explain how much I miss them and like friday was probably the best day of the month T_T I miss them so much even now. I arrived around 2pm and we had lunch. After that I think the boys went to play darts and pool. Carissa is like so damn rich, I think pool tables are quite expensive and they played there for quite long. Professionalism! They were all thinking of weird ways to hit the ball so lame and so funny. Around 4pm some of us went to swim it was kinda fun splashing water here and there and keefe was like dancing the macerena. Played till like 6pm and we went to shower after that we had dinner and afterwards the guys played pool again -_- They just dont get bored. Laughing and joking and gossiping about random stuff how's school my teacher sucks bla bla blah all the way till 8pm. My parents fetched me from Carissa's house and I was so sad I had to leave :(((((( I miss them all so much.... Like how I wish they were my actual siblings and I got to see them everyday and stuff. And like I really want to have a day with our 6F class again, just learning stuff from mrs lim and laughing and being not so serious. At one point of time I kinda lost my voice a bit must have been shouting at the swimming pool too much. Agh I wanna see them all again <3 <3 <3 Happy chinese year guyssss
Saturday I went to church. After church it was raining so heavily and everything so my cell leader got her husband to drive me to meet my cousin. Aw so nice of my cell leader she's so nice I was just like no no its not worth the trouble the whole she was like no i want to make sure you guys get home safely. T____T Why are there such nice people in the world?!?!?!
HAHA we are so cute
Super pretty rainbow that day after the huge storm. It was practically a full semi circle and I think it spread over the whole of Singapore cause people on twitter were spamming like crazy about the rainbow. I wonder how rainbows form themselves. Like what is at the end of rainbow?? I asked my cousin and she was like a puddle of water. Is that true??? Cause it'll so cool like a puddle of water can reflect such a nice rainbow.
Gloria's birthday!!! My sister is finally two!!! I feel like time has gone by so fast. She's already all grown up and learning how to ride a bike.
Chu xi! Went to my grandma's house to have reunion lunch and for some reason they only finished cooking at like 2pm. We were so hungry :((
Why am i so black....
jin zhu!!! So tender and crispy we have it almost every year at my grandma's house so yummyyyy
Homemade yu sheng. Got sashimi one!
Went to watch midnight fireworks at esplanade! Wanted to ride on the roller coasters they usually have every year but the rain was too heavy... Really liked my view that day! So postcard!
Nothing special about the fireworks but like I just realised how long I've not seen fireworks :(((((( Bought myself a potted cactus that day! I named my cactus Shirley but it's still in the car I cant get a picture of it
Chu yi! Woke up with super heavy head and realised i got fever. Took a panadol and thought I'd be okay for the rest of the day.
Painted my sister's nails pink in the morning! I think at the rate she's going she's gonna end up vain like me.
My little cousin, my cousin and me
I know i know why my mum have so many children?? And my little cousin super ai mei de loh! Sit until like model like that
Thought I looked super elegant that day. With the cheong sam my ahma made and my mum's hairclip and necklace. And I wore my mum's heels that day as well.
My sister's outfit of the day! Korean! My mum managed to clip on that flower without her knowing hehe