5:22 AM
Sentosa finally!!!!!! The last time I went to Sentosa was probably March when we celebrated Caroline's birthday. Which was eons ago!!!! Met up early, like 11am. Wanted to be adventurous that day and took bus instead of train to Vivo and was half an hour late T.TOur picnic!! I know it doesn't look nice but that's cause the stuff are already half eaten lolz.
Some shots with my cell group! Even though we meet up every Saturday, JUST NOT ENOUGH BONDING TIME :(
Adelineeee. Think I would prefer to call her adele more lol.
Rebecca, and that forever present Fionna
Moved on to games. Love hanging out with my cell group, all so nice people :D We didn't bring an Jenga blocks but we wanted to play Jenga so what to do? Build the jenga with sand and the one that makes the stick falls has to rebuild ha ha ha
Built too close to the shore :(((
After games it was around 2. Started to take more shots lol. Typical right? I'm standing next to Claire, who is a fricking 177cm. Me and fionna both think that she should like give her height to *people* who need it more
Group photo at last!!!!! hehehe we lookie so happie :D

HA HA HA TALL SMALL TALL HA HA HA. Fionna is way too egoistic about everything else so I made her stand in the middle BWAHAHAHA
Jasmine in between me and F. I asked my friend, do you think me and fionna look alike? My friend was like NO SHE HAS LIKE BIGGER EYES. BOO HOO HOO :(
Jump shots for every beach
Is it me or is it the rest? :(

Debriefed after all the a bit siao siao shots and went to church after that! Love church, my saturdays are ALWAYS the best.
Went for nice korean dinner with F after church!
Tada! Nice or not? Look at the nice crispy chicken.
Damn good Saturday as usual. Today is thursday. I'm late with my blogging as usual. Whatever lah!

The rest of the photos are up on FB!