I watched Johnny English..... last Sunday. YES I KNOW IM DAMN LATE. Super distracted these days. Really think I should study 10x harder :( Watched JE with Jasmine and Fionna. (See, I told you, she's forever present)
And had to go off half way for project!! Scrapbooking project! Have never ever done a scrapbook in my life and even if I wanted to, scrapbooking way too difficult and I really have damn no patience.
haha my eyes are sooo far apart. Realised that whenever I smile, it's always XD
Group photooooo. Shyla, annabelle and eleanor. My classmates are all very interesting, like super rich or mix blood or whatever.
So sweet right? I think annabelle's eyes can match with Carissa's. Both have huge eyes O.O
Sentosa finally!!!!!! The last time I went to Sentosa was probably March when we celebrated Caroline's birthday. Which was eons ago!!!! Met up early, like 11am. Wanted to be adventurous that day and took bus instead of train to Vivo and was half an hour late T.TOur picnic!! I know it doesn't look nice but that's cause the stuff are already half eaten lolz.
Some shots with my cell group! Even though we meet up every Saturday, JUST NOT ENOUGH BONDING TIME :(

I apologise for my lack of updates. I just can't be as disciplined to write everyday. And....... my brother spilled yakult on the keyboard so now I can't type T and Y and have to use on-screen keyboard. IT'S DAMN ANNNOYING. So last week, September holidays already!! So fast!!!!!!!Wednesday. We had synchro Sec 4 farewell lunch and movie. I was supposed to watch the movie but I had to collect scrapbook supplies with some of my classmates then go for the lunch. So yesssssssssss, my scrapbook group is really growing on me. They're really easy to talk to and I thank god for that because half my school is like so judgmental :( So after getting the supplies, I had my synchro lunch at Swensen's! After the lunch some of us went to Cineleisure to get neo prints!! Finally....... all year of hard training..... finally....
Friday! Was supposed to catch another movie but didn't in the end :( Finally saw Felicia!!!!! Spent lunch together and probably the rest of the day trolling on other people lolz.
Caroline wanted to have lunch or something at frigging 4 so we went to Orchard central to have kaya toast.
Very lazy to get the wire for my phone, transfer to computer then upload. Might as well print screen and update. It's been a really nice week! With only two days of looking at the gloomy building of MGS. Yes, strangely enough, MGS still hasn't grown on me.
It's already the September holidays. Starting to miss 2011 by a tiny little bit already. Really not ready for sec 2. I'm still 12! My birthday is on 11st October and all of you better buy a present! And give me an e-card and write on my facebook wall. And a phone call to tell me im such a genius and how pretty/cute/funny/smart/humble/awesome I am. TIME TO GET YOUR PRESENTS READY YIPEE YAH
Another: Annabelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle, i know i should totally post this on twitter instead, but since I'm here, i'll double post. When are we gonna get the supplies?? I need to arrange thanks ^.^