Hummingbird Heartbeat
6:04 AM
Yes, I look really really retarded but at least it's kinda entertaining. Was asking myself if I should blog, yes I should, haven't been blogging for 10 days and i have some emo stuff to write! MY COMMON TESTS ARE OVER AND I HAVE TWO(FOUR) DAYS OF REST. Thank God for everything!!!!!!!! So happy I could fly. This weekend would be really fun if my parents weren't so overprotective. I guess.
Anyway, my best best best friend in school is gonna fly off to Shanghai tomorrow morning. I can't even fetch her off because it's the 8am flight and I would have to wake up at 4am and travel to Changi Airport? NO WAY NO WAY. If I live at Silversea or what, maybe, but I live at fricking Jurong NO WAY. I am gonna be so sad because I really feel like we've bonded like so well over the last 8 months. She's like another Joshua, I can tell her anything and as usual, she'll comment something sarcastic. Only thing's that she hates taking pictures, I only have like 2-3 pictures of her and me and she always has this look O_O Mainly cause she has ginormous eyes and never smiles in pictures, but I'm ok! Just really really really really sad (and mad because she's leaving me in MGS and she gets to go back to her international school :'( ) that I've gotta be a loner for the next two months :( Because I know I'll never join all those cliques in my class. I can't go for recess in a big group, just dont like it :S
I'm gonna miss her so much ♥
Oh Oh Oh. You know she has a TWIN BROTHER?? That's like so cool. Like if you have a twin sister, it'll be so annoying if she looks exactly like you and stuff. Twin brothers are cool yay.
Back to point, GOOD BYE JILLIAN HAVE FUN IN SHANGHAI :D (I was actually trying to say bye in the gif, but it's kinda hard to catch :/ )
Sidenote: Should I make a vlog???? Actually nah............ And I notice I keep wearing this pink and orange striped thing! It's so nice and comfy ♥♥♥♥♥