I think I've caught the flea bug....
4:43 AM
Decided to go for some 'serious shopping' with Jade last week! Our first destination was Haji Lane! I love how there's always this nostalgic feeling about Haji Lane, there'll be this air of mystery hehe
In conjunction with the GSS, the blogshop was having a one day event called erm.. Clothes Buffet! Even the name sounds interesting...
Thought it'd be quite fun so me and Jade both signed up but had to pay $30 but could grab whatever you wanted from the store within a time limit ofcourse.
WRONG THE QUEUE WAS SO RIDICULOUSLY LONG AND WE BOTH COULDNT BEAR TO LEAVE BECAUSE OF OUR THIRTY BUCKS AT STAKE SO WE QUEUED AND QUEUED AND QUEUED........................................... for i dont know... one and a half hours? Worst mistake ever. Could've gone to Bugis Street or something to snag better deals and better clothes. Because of that long queue, most of the items were most tragically gone, leaving mostly ugly clothes. But since it was free might as well take as much as possible. And yes that's me looking supposedly spastic? heh!
Squeezed and squeezed omg. Felt like giving up halfway and to just walk out of the store. Despite the long queue, there were like 40 tired and desperate girls in the puny shop. Whatever, I managed all these.....
into a bag THIS small. I counted 9 items. Thought I was pretty awesome already but I saw this girl stuffing so many things into her bag it broke and the stuff told her she couldnt leave the store with the bag and she argued back. AND THE STAFF LET HER LEAVE!! If I knew I would've stuffed more stuff in :( Cabbed to church because both of us were way too tired to walk all the way back to take a train.
Headed from Church to the Scape and Youth Park flea
The stuff at Youth Park were nicer and cheaper than the ones at Scape though I bought more stuff at Scape because we went there first and was already super tired, or me rather, when we got to Youth Park.
Didnt spend THAT much. $63 bucks including the $30 for the Clothes Buffet. For all these stuff! Am i amazing or what?? Managed to get OK deals, I still prefer the previous flea because I got more that stuff that I actually like. Not too many impulsive buys. Should stop going by the no hesitation thing lol. Went to have dinner with my family somewhere nearby while Jade went off.