ICE SKATING!! Yeahhhhh. Yes, obviously i suck. Spent like half an hour holding onto the railing, but............ I only fell like only once! :O Skated for two hours and i was so drained by then. There was a guy that shuffled in the ice skating rink OMG. Like real shuffling, like the one in Party Rock. With blades and on ice. Super impressive. Erm. I went with my cell group. I dont get why Fionna is good at everything. Seriously, she goes regularly for gymnastics competitions. Performs at the esplanade for ballet. Plays the guitar. And she's quite talkative, in fact, i'm considered quiet when i stand beside her. Studies at nanyang. She can go back home at like 11++. She can ice skate. All rounder :/ At least i'm cuter than her! And look, balloons! :)
Forgot to mention! We played with heliummm. how convenient.