Chewy Junior

12:23 AM

SO CUTE!! I think RayWJ is right, that baby kinda looks like Jack Jack from The Incredibles :)

I'm just gonna rant. Read only if you already think i'm disgusting. Yesterday was like the yuckiest day of my life. I think. I felt so so gross. I had swimming like twice yesterday, once in the morning and once in the evening and in between i had lunch with my mum so i didn't really change. I was wearing the same clothes the night before because I have this bad habit sometimes of wearing clothes i want to wear tomorrow so that i don't need to waste time changing :P Yesterday when I was swimming around 8pm, I think the pool attracted a lot of insects because of the light that was reflected in the water (it's an indoor pool) so there were like so many bugs. Dragonfly, spiders on wall, ants, you name it. It was so terrifying because I had to like swim with it. And lie flat with all the bugs. There were many like everywhere I turned there was one. Scary. Then when I to rinse myself at the pool's toilet I realised I forgot to bring my towel so I had to like jump myself dry :/ And when I put on my clothes I realised that I've been wearing the clothes for more than 24 hours. Gross. And i felt all itchy. ewwwwwwww. The Straits Times came to my training yesterday to like interview Teacher in charge and all that. The picture is on Facebook but I look zombified because the teacher told us to tread water for like 3 minutes. So ya sinkkkk. Today i had 6 hours of malay in one shot. I felt like so... shag. And am still slightly not high. Gonna grab my coffee bun now!

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