I'm such a horrible blogger. I only like to rant. My tanline is soooooooooooooo bad. I just hope I won't look zebra-ish near future. So.. it's just this, should I quit synchronised swimming next year? I like synchro, but it's giving me all these problems. And I'm such a vain person. My relatives think I shouldn't go on anymore. I don't know what to do. The twitter application on my phone isn't working. I'm so mad at it, I can do without Facebook but not twitter!! I know what I want to be when I grow up! A newscaster! It'll be so cool, I'll just be reading the weather forcast for like a minute and I can earn 10000000 million dollars. YAY! I've already master reset my phone and twitter still doesn't seem to accept me :(
I hope I'd be able to go to Shanghai this June with Jade but my mum doesn't seem to want to let me go :(((( I think I'd be going to tour around Clementi Mall tomorrow. I know I'm so late but it's not like anybody from my school EVER goes there! Gotta get starbucks there tomorrow, long time since I've last been there. One latte please! Oh wait, or maybe Koi!
Initally planned to go for skating my chubby cousin at Kallang during the March hols I guess? Well, it all turned out to be a pathetic fail because not only did we not get to skate, we ended up at kbox. Fantastic! I think she's right, she did slim down. Bwahahahaha im so mean :(
Had Marble Slab. I swear it's so yummy! My flavour was erm... can't remember but I know it has like some long name. It has a bit of alcohol inside, but I've liked that kind of stuff, I have no idea why. So I had the ice cream with Reesies! OMG SO YUMMY. I'm missing it right now! Where else do they have Marble Slab? Besides Kallang?
I went for church with honey the other day. We had subway right after cell meeting. Hm... I can't really remember the details, just the tissue papers i used for my mini flu :P Chatted a little over munching sandwiches. Overall it was fun meeting up with Carol. She came over to my house about erm.. 1? i guess. Gloria was asleep, so sad! Other she could've watched her run around the house ;)
LEMME HEAR YOU SAY LOUD! Woke up so early todayyy. Got myself at the pool at 7.30am and we were doing warm-ups at 8.30am. Watched several events. They're all so good. I'm so lousy lah :( Practised again at around 11 and it's our turn! GO MG SWIM TEAM! I think I screwed up my performance. :'(((( I was so sad, but we still beat SCGS and recieved our ........................................................................................................... (scroll down later) Our beautiful swim team. Inclusive of Secondary and Primary girls. I bet you won't be able to recognise me, everyone looks the same O.O
My first gold medal! I was so proud of myself, even though i screwed the thing up and we could've probably gotten higher. Anyway, my first gold medal! GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD. Too bad the teachers had to keep it otherwise I'd have tried biting it to see if it's real gold. GOLD GOLD GOLD. yay!! I went swimming again this time with my siblings. I'm in love with synchro. Definitely, I keep thinking of it :P I'm so tired, my lids are heavy but whatever. I plan to wake up late tomorrow. I have to research my Geography project. My partner abandoned me because she knew I wasn't gonna do much work. Haha good choice, but now I'm left with ??????? I mean, I go to countries randomly. I don't go there because oooh! Hiking! I don't even know which country I wanna research on. Maybe I'll just pick a country and wiki it and try to make it seem like I wrote it. When's the due date by the way? I wish my classmates like sms. Some do, not very active though. PLEASE SOMEBODY COME TO MY SCHOOL :'(((((((((((((((((((((999999 I'm seriously like damn fed up everytime I go to school because of all the funny school rules and the people you have to deal with there are all the same! All grew up in the same environment, and I happen to think they're much more different than awesome Henry Parkers. I wish I were in a mixed so if the girls bitch about me I'll be able to hang out with guys. I don't mind! I have to stay positive and optimistic! Thou shall not grumble yay! I have a lot of math again and I can't seem to find my science workbook. Whatever I have two days of rest I'm gonna make full use of it. Ok oh yeahhhhhh.
My costume :)

I think I'm quite sad with my current situation. My goal was to find a true friend at secondary school. I'm gonna look forward, forget all the annoying stuff they do and try to either transfer schools or ............... no idea. It's so sad. My current best friend at Mgs is gonna go back to Shanghai in September. Seriously?!?!?!?!?!!!! Maybe when she comes back in Sec 3 we can go to the same other school together. yay. I feel like removing my tagboard, all these random viruses ruining it. Yay church tomorrow! Meet up with Fionna and Carol! Excited to tears! nahhhh that's sounds weird.
my eyes are so big. yay. I have a book review left, I was halfway done but I decided to facebook. It's gonna take forever. Hope not though. So much homework. I still have math :'( Home Alone. I want to like bake or like make myself juice or whatever but I have homework. Should I do it tonight? hm...... :D NO!! I really can't procastinate anymore. Sekali Monday a lot of homework :( OK i'm gonna try finishing the last two chapters RIGHT NOW! Ok im done, but I have to rewrite because that's just a draft. Someone call me I'm so bored! Nothing to do.
SO CUTE!! I think RayWJ is right, that baby kinda looks like Jack Jack from The Incredibles :)
I'm just gonna rant. Read only if you already think i'm disgusting. Yesterday was like the yuckiest day of my life. I think. I felt so so gross. I had swimming like twice yesterday, once in the morning and once in the evening and in between i had lunch with my mum so i didn't really change. I was wearing the same clothes the night before because I have this bad habit sometimes of wearing clothes i want to wear tomorrow so that i don't need to waste time changing :P Yesterday when I was swimming around 8pm, I think the pool attracted a lot of insects because of the light that was reflected in the water (it's an indoor pool) so there were like so many bugs. Dragonfly, spiders on wall, ants, you name it. It was so terrifying because I had to like swim with it. And lie flat with all the bugs. There were many like everywhere I turned there was one. Scary. Then when I to rinse myself at the pool's toilet I realised I forgot to bring my towel so I had to like jump myself dry :/ And when I put on my clothes I realised that I've been wearing the clothes for more than 24 hours. Gross. And i felt all itchy. ewwwwwwww. The Straits Times came to my training yesterday to like interview Teacher in charge and all that. The picture is on Facebook but I look zombified because the teacher told us to tread water for like 3 minutes. So ya sinkkkk. Today i had 6 hours of malay in one shot. I felt like so... shag. And am still slightly not high. Gonna grab my coffee bun now!
Hi! I"M NOT VERY HIGH NOW. MARCH HOLIDAYS ARE HERE LET'S PARTY AND FORGET ABOUT HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!! HOMEWORK??? WHAT IS HOMEWORK???? I think I'm becoming such a lazy person :/ To be specific, lazy study. OK, I didn't do very well for CA1. Disappointed with Math and Physics, but hey my average was A1 ok! Next week is gonna be a busy week. Am going to try to skip one or two training sessions :D So tired........ I wanna sleep sleep sleep sleep. Have been waking up way too early nowdays. Too many activities squashed into a day, my body's not that strong :( Today was quite a cold day. I regret not listening to my mother and bring a jacket along, but we have a jacket rule at MGS too. Only navy and black jackets are allowed. Someone's annoying me now. Anyway, Avril's album is out yay! I need to get a life. Really, I should being boring. Church tomorrow. Excited! ^.^
Hi!!!! Today was quite fun! It was my form teacher's birthday today and my class really went all out to celebrate her birthday to make up for our misbehaviour for the past few days, but even if we didn't do anything wrong, we would still try our best to make her have to BESTEST ESTEST ESTEST birthday ever. This is the first time I saw people being so enthusiastic about teacher's birthday. Even though, I really love Mrs Lim a lot and I still think she's the best, I don't know when her birthday is. It's quite sad how I never learn to appreciate things :(. Yeah, some of my classmates made some gorgeous cupcakes for everybody in class and a gigantic version for Ms Li. I'll upload a picture of it when I can get hold of it. It sucks when you don't have your phone with you. Everyone brought snacks and drinks. And yes, I suck, I was there as a freeloader. I didn't know what to bring! And there were loads of leftoversssss. My class actually decorated the classroom. This talented artist in my class drew a potrait of Ms Li on the chalkboard. It was so nice and pretty. We made a song to sing for her. haha because we had so many spare periods today. Bio and history teachers weren't around so we had some time. The song was quite cute, it goes :
We think you're pretty without any make-up on,
We think you're funny when you crack a joke for us
We know you get us so we let our walls come down
Let's go celebrate today,
No regrets, just eat,
All the fiz-zy drinks,
All of us will be FRIENDS FOREVER!
You make us feel like we're living 1O's dream!
The way you give us notes,
We can't sleep, cause of your LA homework
Super cute. Aww.... Such a lovely class. They actually bought presents for Ms Li. And yes, I didn't know it was a tradition here, so I think I'll buy it on Saturday?? So many stuff to buy :X Really fun day, we took class photos after that. My class is actually fun! Uncomparable to 6Flexibility but definitely fun. I miss you 6F, i wish you guys were in my class so that we can party like that EVERYDAY. It's still weird how my class is the noisiest class in the level when 6F is ten times louder. Starting to get used to MGS, not feeling that emo at school anymore. Still, 6F, COME BACK TO ME!!!!!!
I had Swim Meets today. So eventful right! Synchronised swimming performance. Again, I'll post photos when I get them. Make-up quite pretty. Swimming costume okok lah. The swimming costume cost a frigging $75. I have to be careful not to rip the thing, but it's so frilly and fragile :P We used tons of gel and gelatin on our hair to get the bun done. I think I used about 50 pins. I had no idea my hair had the capacity to store so many pins. My next hiding spot for coins, my hair. Just kidding, I'm not so weird. Performance was an EPIC FAILLLL. Actually it was not that bad, at least I could keep up XD Went home feeling exhausted from swimming twice in a row. I need a break. And March holidays are coming up!!!!!!!!!! 2 more days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYBODY WANNA MEET UP POST ON MY FACEBOOK THANKS.
i am awesome because i am happy :P
Went for G12 conference yesterday. It was the best one I've ever been to. I've been to 3 G12s altogether but this one is the awesomest :P G12 actually lasted for 3 days but I only went to the last one. I went from 2pm-10pm and it was so fun!! Encountering and worshiping God is funner than you can imagine. And this 8 hours was really well-spent. I love the worship part. Everyone was high, everyone was jumping during the chorus. Everyone with their hands raised up. It was a really touching how everyone, young adults, teenagers, small kids, jumped and shouted for the Messiah. Pastor Ceaser was praying for some of the countries, Myammar, Mongolia, Thailand so on and so forth, it was really magical how when the pastors touched the some of the people, they actually fainted. This was how powerful the lord was. How empowering. How some people just trembled and screamed when they were prayed for and when they lifted their hands. It was scary and at the same time inspiring. I want to have a supernatural encounter with God.
Fionna was there too. High together shiok lah! I wanted so badly to go to church together and go out with her after that but I had to visit my grandmother. She was recently admitted to he hospital :((( She keeps going in and out of hospital.......................... I don't know what's gonna happen next but I hope it won't be too painful for her.
Anyway, do me and Fionna really look alike?? Post on tagboard! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLINE!!!!!!!!!! You're awesome! We've not met for long, about a year? Yeah, but we have had cute memories and nice chats. You're really cheerful and easygoing. Fantastic listening ear. I'll never forget you and meet up soon yeah!
I HAVE A PEN-PAL!! I'm super excited about this pen-palship! I think it's gonna super fun!! Haha but it's so dorky :P G12 later! I think my cell leader is pissed at me, sometimes I come for church sometimes I don't dang....... Gonna eat lunch and take Mrt to Expo! I hope mum drives me there though, haha I'm super lazy nowadays :)
Did you hear that? The average age for these uncles is 81! And they actually travelled from the north to south of Taiwan. I barely know how to ride a bike. Someone teach me. I forgot what I wanted to write again.
COUNTDOWN!! Few more hours to Caroline's birthday! 16 days to Felicia's birthday! 20 days to my competition!! March is gonna go by really quick, I can feel it XD I wanna be prefect in Sec 4, but.......... I'm gonna be the best prefect ever by never booking myself. I think the tie's gonna suck.
My Chinese teacher let us hear a song by this 17 year old Taiwanese girl and it was so touching.... It's called 最后一次. I can't wait to finish watching The Sister Keeper. I feel like buying the book but nah, I'm too lazy. Getting report book next monday. Haha, if I do well I will post a picture. If I do badly..... I will probably post sad stuff. G12 tomorrow. Hope to hear some inspiring stuff from awesome preachers.
I miss 6F. sorry i know this the millionth time I'm mentioning this, but i miss them so much :( Lunchie with Carissa and Felicia today. Just meeting is fun. So sad I can't believe I totally missed it when we walked past. Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. The cheese fries thing is still the lamest Carissa! I can't believe you are actually so random. Anyway, my school made me have a glogster (ikr, such an ugly name) and the url is HERE
Click if you're bored :)
Cross eyed fail. Speaking of which, I think I should go for a eye test soon. I have a feeling my degrees gone up. Hope not, though. I have swimming after this. 6pm-9pm. haha but i bargain till 7pm-9pm yay. I'm quite happy today i guessssss. I got my geography and history back. Quite satisfied, though I think I could've gotten higher :( the paper was easy lah. I'm happy with my history!! I'M SO HAPPY I COULD BUNGEE JUMP. do you wanna know? ;) never mind I'll just tell since I'm such a nice person!! I got.................................. 94 over 100 for CA1!! So happy!! I know this is the first common test and I shouldn't be proud blah blah blah, but I'm happy ok! YAY I think by semester 2 i'll be free 4 days a week on weekdays. YAYYYY. Anybody wanna have lunch, just call. OMG my dad just called I have to take the mrt to woodlands for swimming nowwwww. :( I thought he was going to fetch me. nooooooo