4:24 AM
Look at that! That's the moon that appeared on the sky on the 26th of June! Isn't it beautiful? So bright some more! it's about blur cause I've zoomed it to the max :) but anw, you can see the brilliance of it can't you? It has actual purple and golden hues oozing out of its colour. It's so freakishly striking and so beautiful to look at.This was taken abit earlier than the above, maybe 10 minutes of time. Anyway, this is clearer. This, I think, is brighter.But its still so brilliant. It's literally blinding my eye!
Walked the entire Far East w my mum today. arghhhh. Managed to buy most of what i wanted to buy. I cut my hair! It's so ridiculous. It's not short and it's not long zzz!