Look at that! That's the moon that appeared on the sky on the 26th of June! Isn't it beautiful? So bright some more! it's about blur cause I've zoomed it to the max :) but anw, you can see the brilliance of it can't you? It has actual purple and golden hues oozing out of its colour. It's so freakishly striking and so beautiful to look at.This was taken abit earlier than the above, maybe 10 minutes of time. Anyway, this is clearer. This, I think, is brighter.But its still so brilliant. It's literally blinding my eye!
Walked the entire Far East w my mum today. arghhhh. Managed to buy most of what i wanted to buy. I cut my hair! It's so ridiculous. It's not short and it's not long zzz!
Today's the 26th of June! Ding Ding Ding! Kezia's birthday! I really cant find a single photo of Kezia in my folder so i had to take this from facebook. Sorry! This is from Facebook, I didnt sneak into your camera! Anw, Happy Birthday :)

It's Dad day today. Doing a quick post before rushing out to celebrate Dad day with the rest of my family. This morning, my mum just reminded me that school is starting one week later. Like FML! Why dont holidays last? whoops, i just realised that i written on my last post that i wanted school. Whoops! Now i dont want school. i dread PSLE really. I miss everyone but i cant take the stress of having to wake up at 6am. I just realised this morning that i havent finished my homework, arghhhhhhh. what's my problem?! I should be studying like w-w-wtf! k, its dad day today. uh oh. i need to go. bye HAPPY DAD DAY :)
omg, i really dislike my camera flash. i wanna go back to C905!!! this morning i had the silliest dream ever. i dreamt that felicia shawn and i were cigarette smugglers and the big boss stapled your hand if you made mistakes, like wtf lol? i woke up laughing up my curious imagination LOL. then i rmb a signboard in my dream when we were smuggling half way. it says, shoppers (which means smugglers) go either to sengkang, yishun, cant rmb alr LOL. im so lame! why am i sharing?!
Who wants school?

SALT! its not out yet but i want to watch it heheheheh!
ok i just realised this post is damn bloody lame but OH WELL (:
hey! kezia's still at america :( miss her. she's so lucky. i wanna go overseas this june too but i cant :( so anw, i went over to felicia's house ytd. and we were with one of felicia's cssc friends, according to facebook, Nora Boo. im not sure if the Boo is needed LOL.
i fell when we playing chase the rat or i dont know? so i, being the clumsy one, was running halfway and didnt spot the chair there and fell over it and did a somersault resulting in the pathetic cut across my nose -_- so after that we wanted to play with the basketball thing @ the arcade, but sadly i was wearing Jade's P5 camp shirt and the strict auntie told me i wasnt allowed to go in -_- so basically i was like the unluckiest person around ytd. *deep breathhhh