Science Centre on Wednesday. We couldnt get it the DNA lab after all so we had to go Science Centre another day to get in that dumb lab. I'm so bored. I've fever, I'm stuck at home while Felicia and Shawn goes to MArie's house. I know I gta get well but.......... Hope my fever goes down. I'm feeling so dizzy the whole day. I'm so pissed with my nose, coming down with sinus. Eventually, Kezia complains why I go to the toilet so many times. mucus lar. (dont say too much infomation) Hehehehehe. English test is quite easy, MT compo so-so lar. Listening compre the music was really funny. didnt really listen. I wna have texts. Actually, no. If I text anymore, my bill's gna burst. Haha, I got to go. Bye.