5:48 AM
Went out w Jade! At around two, we reached cineleisure. Our original plan was to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, (PaPa won't let watch me watch on Tuesday w Shawn and Felicia so he allowed me to watch w CouzzyJADE!) but it was sold out. So we went to took neo-prints:
Below! I don't look scary, do I?

There are a thousand more photos (no lah) but since picnik takes so long to load and I want to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on Channel 5, another time I will post the Pictures okay? :D I still crave to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I'm such a Harry Potter fan, started reading at P3, finishes all 7 books at P4. HAHA, and I say I'm not nerdy. (: We ate lunch also in cineleisure. Aft that, we went to take a train to Bugis Juntion. YIPEE! Walk walk walk, finally I bought smth, A bag. Then we went to a mall, I don't know what it's called, Jade doesn't know so.. anyway we went there. That mall had really really awesome toilets. I think we spent most of our time there :DDD We went to eat our dinner at ... chocolate. I rmb chocolate but it's smth chocolate. Fabulously Fabulous drinks there, a definite must-try, a obvious WOWWOW. Took photos, post next time uhh. By the time I reached GuGu's house (yes, I staying over at my GuGu's house because it's nearer compared to my house), it was alr 8. We ate somemore at Gugu's. Aft resting for a while, went to bathe. Aft Bathing... yes you guessed it, Boys Over Flowers 花样男子!!! Aft that, don't know do what, then we watched 我猜我猜我猜猜猜! Then we finally sleep, ahh, a dreamless sleep, my favourite. Right, Harry Potter! ByeBye!