6:45 AM
26th June 2009
Guess what happened on 26th June? Well, its Shawn's Birthday Party and Kezia's Birthday. (Kezia didnt have a party and Shawn's birthday is actually on 30th June). HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEZIAA! First I met up with Felicia at Clementi Mrt. Supposed to be meeting Carissa too but she last minute cancel. Took pictures while going to Shawn's house (on the bridge) There's so many, but none are actually nice so I chose one only. Messy Hair, I realised my hair is so frizzy lately. I totally need to rebound again. Ppl at Shawn's party : Felicia, Carissa, Ianna, Me, Amelia, Jessie, Little Miss Twins, Shawn's sister, Shawn. We went swimming first, Let's not talk about it. I like Shawn's float alot! We took underwater photos, which my hair keeps getting in the way. D: Then after bathing, It was BBQ time. I ate less then half my beehoon, ate my whole steak, ate 3 whole sticks of fruits. Gosh, my eating diet is so weirdd. Carissa, Felicia, Shawn and I went to talk and slack. We had to run and run because there so many extras chasing us. Excuse me, but I just ate, don't make me vomit okay? Thats about it, 26th June 2009.

MESSY HAIR! (Before Swimming)

After Swimming.
27th June 2009 a.k.a. ytd
Ytd had to wake up extra early for ... Singtel Treasure Hunt 2009 Family Race! My whole family participated in this STH2009FR. Thus we wanted to look like a family so they forced me the wear awful red. I didnt even want to take picture, red? my beaded red shirt, talk about eww.. It took whole morning and ofcause we didnt win anything, Rawr! So after the treasure hunt, my bros and I went to Amah's house while my parents pick up Jade and Popo from airport. GTg, Bye'