
4:25 AM

heyy! today was ok. had one of th best dinners! abalone, shark fish, drumstick, turkey... oooh. YUM!! papa totally fired up. he went almost crazy. toot?/ YES!! as u realised, my song love story has been a little gaga. im trying my best to set things rite. i hope i will succeed. today was defenitely much better than yesterday. though yesterday was extremely fun its quite boring, had th feel of nvm. i tink its in yesterday's post. haizzz.. zzz. its so bored. everybod's playing blackjack. my aunt is so omg evil. everytime she says 'dun worry, will giv u money de' thn today she tok t my bro. 'set th table, mke th cards, get ready t lose money t me.' TOOT! act nice in front in front of my mum. thn she gone, say things lyk get ready lose $$ t me. wlau. wth. if today not last time play blackjack. thn i wont play. wt. wt. wt. wt. wt. wt. wt. wt. wt. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. h. i seriously gonna finish gossipgirl soon. im reading th second twice liao. super cute n fun n not so many f word liao. i recommend it. DARN cool siak. i cant believe it. today, mum actually said Shit!!!!!!!!!! OMG!! can u believe it. u think i live wat a 'strict' n 'descipline' life. prove u wrong. though my freedom level is darn low. anw. i tink i jus fix the love story thn i go play blackjack liao. hmm, mayb i go b banker... sounds fun uhh.b :D

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