Hi!!! I've come to do a random summary of my year so far, as far as I can remember. I'm just picking pictures from my camera roll and blogging from my phone (lazy much) but yeah!! I'm supposed to be studying but I'll do it soon after!!! :)))

Had chu xi dinner with my dad's side and mum'a side at west coast plaza!! Which was great because I got to see relatives from both sides :-)

Mani for the week hahaha

We've been going to the place next to the esplanade every chu xi for a few years now. It's always been super fun!! This year the decoration on the ceiling was really intricate and chinese-sy haha.

Pict with my couz!!! ♥♥♥♥

Fireworks this year was really pretty!!! My little bro shot the entire about 3-5 minutes of fireworks display and hardly got to watch it.. Then in the car he accidentally deleted the video. He was so sad he went to sleep haha sry josh

Us riding the meteorite thingy

Dinner at makan sutra which was so yummy!!! The chicken was so yummy oh my gosh. And it was the first time I ate mango sticky rice!! I hardly get to go out late at night so I was like yay!!!!! Hahaha I sound like such a kid hehe. That was the end of a really really great day!!! And all I can remember. I remember I was smiling and spamming Instagram like crazy that day thank you God for so much overflowing blessings and joy!

On to chu yi! Hehe wearing the dress I bought the day before with sop :-) with my cousin Charyse, who looks a lot like my sister!!! :-))

Gloria in her kimono because she refused to wear her chinese traditional clothes haha. Here's us saying gong xi fa cai ^_^
I don't have much pictures for chu er and chu san but we did visiting both days and it was super fun!! I had too much sour candy. On chu er, dearest tammie puff came to my church!!! 💖💖 she said she learnt a lot from the sermon :') thank God for that! ❤️❤️ Also, when my family and I visited one of my relatives house, the door was left open, and without us knowing, my sis silently crept out of the house, wearing my mum's high heels. We were so scared and freaking out but thank God she was found climbing down the stairs -___- I was so frightened because I thought of the rubbish chute and at one point I thought she threw herself down the rubbish chute. Scared me so much. This is not really paranoia okay!! One time I heard a story similar to this but I won't say iy in case it scares you like it scared me haha. On chu san, I wore the cheongsam my grandma made me two years ago :-)) yay yay yay :-)

On chu si, which was Monday, I actually planned to study because I was not studying nearly the whole few days break but my parents and aunt decided to bring us out to the beach. Before that we created a bank account! More like my mum was doing it while my siblings and I were outside in the lounge area enjoying all the free drinks and biscuits hahaha. Just a taste of the posh life haha. I ordered latte macchiato because I thought it sounded very posh but it was too bitter for me hahaha.

At the beach!!

Before I forget... I finally learnt how to ride a bike!!!! Years of embarrassment because I didn't how to ride a bike is finally over!!! *wipes tears of joy*
My dad and aunt taught me, Matt and josh on that day :-) and Joshua learnt how to do it in like 5 minutes!!!! Like in the bike shop he learnt how to ride already!!! I was in disbelief. Took me much longer to learn how to ride a bike on the other hand, because I was so scared of falling!! My dad gave me a lot of tips, of which, if you're scared, move faster. I was like pap!!!! How??? In the end his advice worked and now I can ride a bike!!! It's still slightly scary for me because it's like I can lose my balance anytime or something. I crashed into a plant pretty embarrassingly because there were quite a few people around me. The left brake of my bike broke but I was fine!!! Thank God hehe :-) felt extremely accomplished, the experience was a lot more thrilling than sitting on a roller coaster ironically. My logic is that you can easily fall off a bike but on a roller coaster you have all these safety measures that you practically can't fall off. The day ended with a birthday dinner for my dear brother Matthew at jumbo!!! The chilli crab there is my favorite :-)))) the day was super fulfilling I had a really really good meal :')

My sis being cute!!!!! Hehehe

Packed my room quite a bit. In fact I can quite safely say that this is the neatest my room has ever been as long as I can remember :-)

A day after training when I had to wait for my mum. I over exceeded my data limit so I have no wifi outside the house.. So I've been turning taking to selfies to take up my time hahaha

Studying with Lou and sop the other day and we were super amazed by airdrop. It's really awesome and Lou sent me this pretty pict!! ♥♥♥♥

Last v day at mg!!! Coincidentally it was he last day of cny as well. I have successfully documented 15 days of my life in one post haha. I love cny!! I'm sad it's over but it's alright!!! :-))

Picts from tammie's Polaroid!!

Cards and sweets from friends!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Warms my heart so so much receiving gifts and words of affirmation. Will definitely miss this so much when I move on to another school!! Thank God for all the sweet sweet people he has put in my life.. Like they bother to write me a note and stuff.. Really nice of them.. :-)
Today I went for church and attended night service. It was a really good sermon and it really spoke a lot to me :-) mark 12:1-27 :-) really thankful for my cell leader Qiu Ru who prayer and ministered to me!! I am going to live life changed and I'm not going to be afraid! :-) ♥ ♥
Haha the pictures are all shifted to the left and I don't know how to edit it on my phone.. And I don't wanna risk deleting everything haha. I'll do it on the desktop someday. Please excuse my english haha