Went to princess caroline's house because I've got nothing to do, not because i miss her so much kay! JKJK haven't seen her in ...... eons....I completed her English homework ok! Her homework was a book review so I wrote all about Harry Potter... As usual.
Caroline and me are both super conscious about ourselves. Why like that?!
I'm not gonna shop for a month. I really need to save money and I feel damn guilty when I overspend. Plus, my mum will interrogate me about my spendings lol. I have school tomorrow noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo................. Meeting Caroline to hunt for her stuff tomorrow yay <3 <3 <3<3 <3 In the meantime, im gonna read :D
Off with Fionna again! Impromptu decision after church to get our hands on some flea goodies! Great time hunting down some awesome deals. I think it's because I haven't shopped for so long, I keep hesitating. Now when I think about it, I feel so dumb. Can't believe I let all those $1 deals slip away!! :( All for $28! And I counted, I bought 7 items. Plus, this lady gave me this free pencil case thing. So nice of her!!
Adorable! I think for $2 <3
Have been craving shades for way too long. Haha I have no idea why I think it looks kinda ahgogo :P Been dead the whole holiday, I keep reading and reading and reading. Keep stoning at home. I'm so sad school's gonna come in 6 days? Damn I don't like school I'm such a loner there :( Not to mention my mountain homework

Haha I always have difficulty starting my posts. I have no idea what to write. Me and Jade were meant to go for Global Day of Prayer, but because we were late by 1 hour, we were stuck outside :( Wasted trip from Chinese Garden to Expo! Went to Suntec to take a look at the IT fair. Didn't bring any money so I didn't manage to buy anything. Thinking back, I really should have bought. The camera I wanted to buy was $300 off! Yes, if you look at the pictures, my hair looks ridiculously straight.

Sometimes I don't get why nigahiga is so popular, it's probably because he's really erm.. neutral? Im going for another church camp, after so many i find that i actually enjoy them. Except that I barely know anyone there :S
It's Juneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^.^ partying partying yeah!
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