Monumental day of Kate and William's wedding! I want to princess omg........ and wear that nice long wedding gown and have 123456789098765432345t6y7u8i9o876543234567 people celebrating your wedding with you! Ok I'm crapping already. Common tests are coming soon and....... I just hope it'll be over soon. It's so weird, last year I was completely stressed up over my exams and now I'm like quite lax. I think it's because people around me are more hardworking now. I need to save, my piggy bank has like maybe about $5 after 3-4 weeks of saving. Ok my aim is to save erm $10 a week! yayyyy. partyin partyin yeah! <3
We had yummy Ben and Jerry's yesterday *slurp slurp. No much erm........ Caroline keeps singing! The same song some more. I went to Carissa's house after math lesson and we chit chatted our minds away (i think?) Thank you Carissa for the treat! I'm not kidding, you're a lifesaver. I miss primary school so much, I still want to transfer after 4 months. I need a henry parker at my class. Please please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee.
Day started at 11am. I was supposed to be at Paya Lebar Mrt so that we can take a bus together to our church for briefing. Haha I asked my dad to fetch me to Paya Lebar and he fetched me to Aljunied instead lol?

I'm cuter than she is! <3
Our disgusting half eaten sogurt. Had sogurt with Caroline on erm... monday? Yeap, we didn't know how much would could actually take so we filled upthe cup with velvet cake flavoured yogurt and stuffed it with other yummy ingredients. Ah, thinking of it already makes me wanna drool. We went to this semi famous hawker at Coronation and ate some laksa. I think it was so good :( Am gonna meet up with Caroline for Ben&Jerrys tomorrow yay!

this seems so long ago, but i like it <3
AWE YEAH. Anyway, kinda moody nowadays. I suck, I have to keep reading random funny stuff to perk my mood up. No idea why. Actually I think it's school. Homework. You won't be able to believe the truckload of homework I have, but you probably have more. I have to think of an item to remind me of something significant. Like what? Old school Horlick Malties? Or Kickapoo? Yummy stuff. I should just buy Kickapoo and I'd be like Oh, whenever I drink *takes a sip Kickapoo, I *another sip think of the time I *sip drank so much *sip Kickapoo that I did so well for erm.. *sip an eating contest. Yay then I'd be able to drink Kickapoo and get A++ fot lit. Ok lame, but really what should I bring? I think I should bring a picture of me with my front teeth gone and I'll just tell them about the time I fell or something. I still feel like transferring schools. I'm not happy there :( Actually it's kinda okay but then it's like i don't know, maybe I'm not used to it or something. I want to win 5k!! Jade is not interested in competing with me, all you have to do is either write and essay or make a video about which dream you would want to fulfil if you had the 5k. Omg.... I want to join... I want to win five thousand bucks. Today is such a waste of time. I've been on the computer since 1pm. I should be working on homework so that I can play during the weekend :( .... i don't know why but somehow i think i lack confidence.. I need to save more of these $$. If I score straight As for my end of year, I'm gonna treat myself to i don't know. I want to start working, I have not enough money, but I'd feel bad asking for more money.. I should really transfer.
I had my 2.4km and cross country today. I think I didn't do too badly for 2.4km. yay. I'm super bored. I have practically nothing to do but homework. hehe. This sucks. hm.. I went back to henry park yesterday with Caroline. I feel like meeting up with her again. Today is so suckish and boring. At least I completed my 2.4km yay! Officially done with napfa! I have no idea why but I always get so nervous before anything related to sports. I'm so bored I'm playing with glue. everything except for the run is suckish today. I'm tired and lazy. Can't seem to do anything constructive except maybe brood to death. Gonna watch clicknetwork! Hoping for funny stuff heheh
Celebrated Carissa's birthday at her house <3 I had a lot of fun, i miss everybody already :( Arrived at around two, took a number of polaroids xD I really like the film, it's so exciting to see what colour comes out next :D