Remember me, Sweet Bravery

1:43 AM

omg after posting this then do i realise how stupid this is. ahhhh anyway.
10 days to PSLE. It's really hard to believe that we've come thus far. I vaguely remeber myself counting down to PSLE but that was like 120 days, now it's 10. Hard to believe. I'm so scared of it.... I really hope I do well. I dont wanna go to a neighbourhood school, I wanna go somewhere decent and prestigious. Hopefully I'll get 245 and above ^^ I really wish I could do better for Science.. When I told my dad my marks he was like so low?! wtf lahhhhh! I'm so scared I really think I'm underprepared. I needa get 85 for everything. Till now I'm only getting like 70s range. :/ Die lah. WHY DIDNT I WORK HARDER FOR P5?!! Then I would've laid the foundation and would've done better for P6. walao lalala venting my anger on my poor sweet bloggie. hahahhaha



1:31 AM

Hi! i havent been posting photos of myself for ages so since I currently don't have a phone, I might as well use the webcam function :)Maybe it's because I have not taken pictures for a really long time. arghh this sucks.

see, i'm acting cute again haha LOL
haha I really haven't been posting pictures of myself in a longggg time. My whole family is taking turns to fall sick, except for me! Whenever I tell my parents that, they'll be like, "Don't count your chicks before they hatch." wtf? My sister is sickkkk. Noooo. I think it's because I'm bored but I am starting to reading to read the Harry Potter series again. Every morning before I brush my teeth, I would be reading in bed. I think I should stop doing that, my eyesight might deteriorate. Yay I've finally finished all my homework! hahahah. My mum confiscated my phone. fml. Actually not really, it's for my own good. I dont want to keep checking my phone for messages :)


1:01 AM

hahah the result of no pictures. this skin really doesnt suit whatever! ok er.. my dad is just back from US so i have to be really quick otherwise he'll be screaming at me. He's still upset that I didnt do well for my Prelims. yeah, they all expect 80s from me. It's so hard. Then they keep insuting me and keep comparing me. Arghh. Can't they tell that I'm really stressed and really worried about my exams? Obviously not. Nevermind. 1 more month. 1 more month and I can do everything! I hope I do well........ i feel like deactivating my facebook. Facebook takes up too much of my time seriously. I have to go.

Love, Charlyn

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