Headed to Shaw Centre to exchange my uniform first. Ate. And here we are at 313! 313 is like one of my favourite places in orchard. I dont know why but I just love it. Icerockz is nearby. Scape too that means milkshake!
Hey! It's the last day of 2010. I should be feeling sad, nahh. I should be happy I'm given the chance to turn a new leaf over. I'm gonna do 30 days. A few in one shot, it's the last day anyway. I took it from a blog but I can't really remember whose blog it is. Thanks anyway. Enjoy
Day 01 — Your favorite song. I have a variety of favourite artises. I like paramore, mj, katy perry, greyson chance, coldplay. many. they missed out katy perry and hayley williams. they're my favourite!!!

Day 02 — Your favorite movie

I dont really watch television. Unless you count Ai which I watch while I eat.
OH I LOVE BOOKS. but I like oldie classics. Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, that sort. I like Harry Potter. I guess you dont need an image to tell how he looks like. I like Enid Blyton. Books kids read. I love romance novels. Mystery books by Sidney Sheldon. I'm pretty much a reader and I love the library. and all major bookstores. I like reading magazines too. :)
Day 05 — Your favorite quote

Day 06 — Your best friends
1) Hopefully by the end of next year I'll be at least 43kg! Be like 160cm! PLEASE!! Pray for me guys XD
2) Do well in my studies and dont lax! Top 50 in standard!!!
3) Put in few hours each week to study chinese. Might be taking higher chinese so I must really buck up
4) Stop spending money
5) More assessments
6) Spend more time with God
7) Learn how to cook some dishes
8) Organize my closet
9) If I pass my 2.4km, I'll give myself a chocolate treat :P!!!!!!!!!
Fulfilled dream. Life has never been sweeter. I got into MGS. REALLY, im serious this time. I bought the books, the uniform, my labcoat, the files and everything. The school seems so prestigious. And so wealthy. The school fees cost a bomb. The books are much more expensive than Henry Park's.
With 4 kids, I dont know how my parents will manage. I heard that Mgs people have to depend on tuition. I dont want to ask my parents for more money. I feel like going to work now. School fees add up to about 15k for 4 years. Gosh.. now I think I should've just stuck with Nan hua. Well, no turning back now. The people at MGS are gonna be so rich. bimbotic. materialistic. dramtic. snobbish. I dont what to expect, just the worst. Lesbians? Bullies?
What about CCA, Choir? Dance? Cheer? I can forget about sports. The only sport I'm interested in is Tennis but I think I'm sorta hopeless :( I cant help but I think that even though I'm accepted into the school, it's gonna be a whole lot tougher to be accepted by the people there. With affliation, cliques and stuff are already formed. I sound depressed hahaha. I think I'm just gonna pray hard and work hard. God will bless me :)
Went to Marina Bay Sands hotel to stay for a night. Thanks gugu!! They hotel was quite big, well, the toilet was. I really liked the pool there. The hotel was 57 stories high and at the top there was this swimming pool with a stunning view of Singapore. It was so cool to be taller than all the buildings, when I'm swimming! Poolside fries were good :) Had dinner on the 57th floor. Thank you Auntie Annie :) Breakfast buffet on the 57th floor again and we checked out at like 1pm.
Oh ya, I went to ICE SKATE!!!! I'm the worst at ice skating so it was so embarrassing. I fell down like 9 times and there were like small kids who could skate so well :( Yea at the end of the whole thing, my butt was a little sore. LOL!!!
Watched Gulliver's Travels and Tron Legacy. Gulliver's Travels was hilarious but not oscar worthy. Tron Legacy was really cool!! If I were a fashion designer, I would so get inspired by Tron. Actually.... HERE designer platform shoes inspired by Tron. Woah right.

I feel like such a loser today, it's Christmas and I'm not going anywhere. The feeling sucks ok?! Anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Went to church for Christmas service today and it was so packed. I'm so bored. I'm listening to the radio (yeah can you believe it?!) for 2 hours straight. Ears sorta hurt.
I watched Narnia today and it was unbelievably awesome. Ok I'm exaggerating but it was still good. oh man i wanna watch Tron Legacy, everybody says it's good.

ok now the purpose of posting these retarded pictures, do you think I should bun up my hair like that for Chinese New Year? Comment in my tagboard thank you very much :)
went to the Christmas magic with feli and my brother on friday. The performance was so-so because they keep reapeating their tricks so yeah after a while it was boringgg. the fun part was maybe the trip there or the dinner or the queueing up for koi. We had Shin tokyo for dinner, it was pretty spicy lol. hahahaha we were camwhoring because we had nothing else to do. We've talked about almost every single thing in the world, having known each other for such a long period of time.
Can you tell how bored i am? goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I went to Rui Qi's house today. Took a cab to Carissa's house and took another with Carissa to Rui Qi's house. Thank you Carissa!! When we arrived there, they were watching Iron Man 2. Hm.. I can't really recall what we did today. Oh ya we played at the playground. I found out that Carissa is really good at pushing the swings :D We headed back for some snacks and watched Step Up 3 after that.
haha sometimes i think im so lame. so i went for another camp right after the cruise. and it was awesome. At first I couldnt wait for it to be over, but when it was over, I couldnt wait to go back. I realised that I get to meet a whole new lot of people i've never noticed at church at camp. I never knew we had so many guys at church. aiyo but only like 2% of them are good looking :(
I went to work for my aunt on Monday, out of boredom. I never knew working could be so tough. even though my work is pretty simple and my job was just like labelling, there were so many to label and it was names i had to label but all the names were all over the place so i took a really long time. yeah but at least the coffee shop across my aunt's office sold really good food. After my second day of work, we went to watch a musical at the drama centre. It was called Crazy Christmas and what else? it was really festive. Oh, and i forgot to mention, I went to Bras Basah and bought 7 books! i'm so happy!!! I'm reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen right now and Mr Darcy is so charmingggggggg!
I went to collect my PSLE cerfiticate today and after that went for lunch with a few of my dear classmates. IM SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM AGAIN. I really wanted to watch Narnia today but i missed the timing :( but i had a really fun time and a really good laugh today YAY. Actually working is much better than lazing about at home. At least I get to learn some stuff.
I recently got back from cruising on Royal Carribean's Legend of the Seas! Apparently LOTS is the smallest of Royal Carribean ships. Which sucks. It's so small but its at least twice the size of Star Cruise HA! It took a crazy long time for us to check in and i was really hungry :////
we went to phuket the next day. we're on the upper deck of the smaller ship that will be driving us to the pier. Phuket was awesome. There were alot of sales. Bought souvenirs for you guys! Sometimes going out with family members can prove to be a drag. My family went to the shopping mall and you know what they bought? groceries. in other words, stuff you can get in singapore. I know they're cheap but do we have the space in our luggage for the $200 worth of groceries?
Anyway, My sister went swimmingggggggggggggggg! i'm so happy for her! it was her first time and she was so excited! she kept splashing water, in a cute way though :P Omg the fries on board are awesome, crispy and delicious. better than Mcdonald's. i miss it!
another highlight of the Royal Carribean cruise are the musical performances. They're really awesome. They sing and dance for you for 1 hour plus. and they're all professional and this is really what you shouldnt miss if you go on the cruise.
They have lots of activities bingo golf table tennis dance lessons, you name it. Well, i pretty much enjoyed myself and the food. but overall, it was quite boring but i still had fun! :)